Home Surname List Name Index Sources | Fifth Generation1020. William King Driggs Jr. was born on 27 April 1923 in Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USA. He died in October 1982 at the age of 59 in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California.93 He held the title of Jr.. William has Ancestral File Number 4896-KC. S:PPU P143-12-8 His family was noted in radio, television and entertainment as the famou s "King Family" and he participated with the group. His profession is ad vertising. As soon as Bill was old enough to walk and talk he started pe rforming with the family troup in concerts and vaudeville. As he grew t o manhood in the Oakland, California area, his interests turned to art ra ther than music. He attended Chouinard Art Institute. Joining the U.S . Naval Reserves in July 1943, he served in the South Pacific during WWI I as radio operator. He and his wife and children actively participate d in the King Family television activity. He served as a co-writer and c reative consultant for the family's monthly television specials and for t heir recent [1971] ABC network series. William King Driggs Jr. and Living had the following children: