Fifth Generation

887. Fredrick Pratt Hawkes was born on 27 July 1899 in Preston, Franklin, Idaho, USA. He died on 10 May 1982 at the age of 82. He has Ancestral File Number 8FK4-6H. This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Hans E. /LARSEN/ (AFN:1C64-CT) and A /PHANSENHAGEN/ (AFN:1C64-D1)

This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Hans E. /LARSEN/ (AFN:1C64-CT) and A /PHANSENHAGEN/ (AFN:1C64-D1)

This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Hans E. /LARSEN/ (AFN:1C64-CT) and A /PHANSENHAGEN/ (AFN:1C64-D1)

This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Hans E. /LARSEN/ (AFN:1C64-CT) and A /PHANSENHAGEN/ (AFN:1C64-D1)

This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Hans E. /LARSEN/ (AFN:1C64-CT) and A /PHANSENHAGEN/ (AFN:1C64-D1)

SOURCE: Info sent to JPFA by Ron Tilby on 1/97

Fredrick Pratt Hawkes and Edla Charlotta Kristina Peterson were married on 5 August 1925 in Logan, Cache, Utah, USA. Edla Charlotta Kristina Peterson was born on 24 August 1898 in Bokebaken Losen, Blkng, Sweden. SOURCE: Info sent to JPFA by Ron Tilby 1/97

Fredrick Pratt Hawkes and Edla Charlotta Kristina Peterson had the following children:



Living (private).

Fredrick Pratt Hawkes and Althea Leola Jensen were married on 20 July 1932 in Logan, Cache, Utah, USA. Althea Leola Jensen was born on 22 December 1905 in Oakley, Summit, Utah, USA. She died on 8 April 1983 at the age of 77 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. She was buried in Franklin, Franklin, Idaho, USA.

Organized by the Jared Pratt Family Association